Thursday, October 29, 2009

52 days into the school year...

52 days already finished. I can't believe the school year is moving so quick. I feel that between school and work, I am losing my mind. I hope that I never have a semester that is this crazy ever again. I am making some head way on my tech proposal project. Yeah. I put in a proposal on, I had my first donation yesterday. It was not a full proposal donation, but at least it is something and I am getting closer to getting my project funded. I am asking for donations in order to purchase a machine that will allow my students to build blocks that can be put into the machine and the machine will say the letter sounds and say the word that the students built. It seems like a really fun way to get my students more interested in increasing their reading skills. I will keep trying to find ways to get funding and hopefully I will be able to get my hands on a reading mentor.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! and I'm losing my mind too. Good luck with the proposal.
    Maria Luna
